
the step-by-step form improved the conversion rate by 244%

Lokum is a property developer constructing high-standard multifamily apartments. A client approached us with a request for analysis and A/B testing on one of their investment subpages.

My role:
a/b testing
user research
  • Increased Conversion Rate

    Version B of the form design led to a significant 244% improvement in the conversion rate for form completions. By reducing the number of fields and dividing them into digestible steps, the entry barrier was lowered, resulting in higher completion rates.
  • Enhanced User Engagement

    Version B not only improved the conversion rate but also enhanced user engagement on the website. Visitors spent nearly a minute longer on the site, on average, and consumed its content almost 8% more deeply. This indicates a positive impact on overall user experience and interaction with the website.
  • Google Analytics
  • Hotjar
  • Figma
  • VWO
Baseline version of the form
B version of the form

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Reducing form fields and dividing steps

  • Discovery of usability issues
    Using Google Analytics and Hotjar, I discovered usability issues with form completion.
  • Desk research and creating a hypothesis

    Our hypothesis, based on Baymard Institute research, stated that reducing form fields and dividing them into steps would increase completion rates by lowering entry barriers and enhancing user engagement.
  • Data analysis
  • Desk research
Baseline version of the form

data analysis

244% Conversion Rate Enhancement

  • Test implemented successfully
    Using VWO, I implemented and conducted a split URL test that lasted for 1 month
  • Enhancement of conversion rate and user engagement

    The experiment yielded statistically significant data (p=0.0146). Version B not only boosted form completion rates by 244% but also increased average visitor engagement by nearly a minute and content consumption by almost 8%.
  • VWO
  • Google Analytics
B version of the form

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