new technologies in a company full of tradition
AKA Szczerbiccy, a family-owned B2B business, offers bathroom fixtures and various installations. The client decided to launch an e-commerce store to expand their B2C consumer base. They came to us with an idea, and we developed everything from scratch.
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contact meAn example of imperfect implementation of filters and sorting options from a competitor.
First lo-fi design of package splitting in a shoppingcart view
One of the latest iteration of a shopping cart view. I've added information about a free package and a cost summary.
Participants didn’t know that they had to confirm their choice of delivery method.
The solution was to confirm the choice by clicking on the delivery method.
"I see these two scenarios. If I know exactly what I'm looking for, I'll use the search bar. But if I wouldn't know what exactly it should be, I'd go into the categories."